The passage of Constitutional Carry is a big milestone for gun rights in the state of Florida. However, it is still necessary to know the laws pertaining to concealed carry and the use of force. This class is intended to give the participant a comprehensive overview of the laws pertaining to concealed carry in the state of Florida. It should be noted this is not legal advice. It is our goal for you to leave this class more confident in your knowledge of the law and better able to defend yourself and your loved ones, legally, as defined by Florida law. While a CCW permit is no longer required to carry a firearm in the state of Florida, it is necessary if you wish to carry a firearm in any of the 37 states that recognize the Florida Concealed Carry Permit. The beginning portion of this class covers the law, relative to the carry of a firearm and the use of force. If you wish to receive your certificate, allowing you to apply for the Florida CCW permit, you may add on the remainder of the class which will cover basic firearm safety, followed by our simple in-range qualification. At the end of class you will receive your certificate and instructions for how apply for your CCW permit
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